Unleash your Authentic Self
Private & Group Sessions, Human Design, Ceremonial Cacao

I will guide You to your inner freedom & fulfillment.
Discover your unique gifts & embrace your authenticity!
coaching with Sasha Sakhar
A little BIT about me

"Spirituality is not about your enlightenment level,

it is about your inner-freedom and your relationship with yourself, others and life, in general."

Hi Darling,

I am a Transformational Coach ~ I support along a journey to self-empowerment and well-being through facilitating your path to liberation from limiting beliefs, trauma infused self-perceptions and socially-imposed conditioning. I've helped many humans to tap into their authenticity, vitality and fulfillment, as well as connect with their bodies and discover their unique gifts.

Over my 15 years as a professional and through my own journey in various parts of the world, I've found my own path to freedom, loving abundance, and joy! I have worked with 100+ individuals and groups, offering cacao ceremonies & sharing circles for emotional fulfillment, tantric temples for sensual expansion, authentic relating gatherings for conscious communication. I also facilitate plant medicine journeys for the individuals and groups who are called to explore expansive states of consciousness and deepen their connection with Nature.

In anything I offer, I create beautiful, supportive, authentic and welcoming spaces for humans to experience transformation through deeper connection with life.

Human Design:
Unleash Your Genetic Potential
Human Design is a sophisticated and deep yet precise and practical methodology to discover and use your innate gifts, talents, traits and peculiarities of your unique being, based on the details of your birth, as well as on the planetary positions.
This unique phenomenal practice combines Astrology, I-Ching, Chakra System, Kabbalah and Quantum Physics - and thus, provides a comprehensive approach to understanding who you are and how to live your most fulfilling and authentic life.
We are all different, starting with our genetics and it is essential to understand what makes you unique, so that you can use this knowledge to create your authentic fulfillment and satisfaction.

Human Design:
Fundamentals Reading

A 1 hour reading of your Human Design chart with a focus on your Type, Profile, Strategy in Life and Inner-Authority.

This session is a great start for someone who has no or little experience with Human Design and would like to gain a depper understanding of their authentic mechanics and main life-fulfillming strategy.

Value: $120

Human Design:
Advanced Reading
(hot sale)

A 3 hour deep reading of your Human Design, where I cover your entire chart, including your life purpose, your main gifts and shadows, your genetic trauma and ways to heal it, your physical health and personal relationship strategy.

In addition to theoretical informaton, I also offer specific therapeutic tools and practices to support you on your transformative path, so that you know exactly what to do after our session.

You will also receive a comprehensive, visualy appealing presentation which you can refer to throughout your ife as you experiment more with your Design.

Value: $369

Free 15 min Consultation

Human Design:
Master Reading
(after Advanced Reading only)

A 2 hour deep reading of your Human Design with the focus on your genetic mental conditioning and limiting beliefs that are blocking your awareness and preventing you from seeing your true path/talents/gifts and life purpose.


In addition to theoretical informaton, I also offer specific therapeutic and somatic guidance on breaking through the limiting beliefs and re-wiring your nervous system, as well as additional resources to support your transformation.

Value $333

Free 15 min Consultation

Cacao Ceremonies
Ceremonial Cacao has been the biggest ally on my transformational journey and I am honored and excited to share it with as many people as possible: whether in a private coaching session or through an elevated and connecting group experience.
I created my own Cacao brand "SOUL & SPIRIT" in collaboration with a small Mayan family who preservs ancient traditions in growing 100% organic Criollo Cacao beans in Patutul, Guatemala.
Private Session

A private session with Ceremonial Cacao focused on elevating your spirit and opening yourself to more joy and love. I help you to identify any blocks, fears and limiting beliefs about yourself. I tailor my work to your request and intentions (i.e., transforming your fears, finding inner-center, identifying your gifts and passions, improving your self-esteem, practicing self-love, etc,).

2 hr session $175
3 sessions $499
Women's Circle
An intentional gathering to honor and celebrate womanhood. I offer different types of Women's Circles, from Authentic Relating & Sharing Circles to Therapeutic and Transformative Circles to Sensual Tantric Temples.
Women's Circles allow ladies to connect deeper to their powerful nature, their joy and pleasure, to release energetic blockages which stand in the way of embodying authenticity, inner-freedom and life enjoyment, to nurture supportive connections with other women.

Group size: 8-24 people

Private: $450-600 per ceremony
Public: $50-75 per person

Special Occasion
A unique way to celebrate a special occasion: your birthday, a bridal or baby shower in a conscious, intimate and uplifting environment. It is a wonderful gift to yourself and your loved ones - to experience Ceremonial Cacao together. With the heart-opening qualities of Cacao, we will create a warm, joyous and soulful atmosphere, engage in fun and uplifting women's practices, as well as celebrate our birthday queen, bride or mother-to-be in a soft ecstatic dance.

Group Size: 8-24 people

$500-850 (depends on the group size and the program)

Corporate Connection
An unconventional way to spend quality time with your colleagues outside of work. The Cacao Ceremony will allow us to create an uplifting atmosphere where you can get to know your colleagues, managers and other teams better, in an authentic and candid way. Such an elevated yet sober atmosphere makes your team more close-knit and encourages creativity and a sense of belonging among your colleagues, as well as embodying of your companies values.

Group Size: 8-32 people

Reach out for custom price, based on the group size and the program.
Ceremonial Cacao:
History & Benefits

Historically, Cacao has been an important element of the Mayan economy and culture. It has recently initiated a heart-opening "revolution" in the West, by uniting individuals from all over the world who want to live a better and more wholesome life.

Cacao has numerous health properties and can become a wonderful support on your way toward physical and emotional well-being!

Health Beneftits
powerful supefood

Cacao is a delicious and nutrient-dense superfood.

It is full of theobromine which is a mild stimulant considered a natural antidepressant. It assists in the therapeutic use of treating high blood pressure.

Cacao contains healthy fats and other compounds that can increase the levels of the hormones serotonin and dopamine in your brain, which helps reduce depression and regulate anxiety.

The best sources of antioxidants, protect your cells from damage caused by an excess of free radicals. The antioxidant & anti-inflammatory properties of Cacao have a positive impact on the immune system and protect and repair skin.

Other benefits of Cacao:

  • Activates Cardiovascular System
  • Elevates the heart rate up to 20% increasing the blood flow to the brain by 30 to 40%
  • Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Improves circulation, digestion, and toxin elimination
  • Helps repair damaged DNA
  • Increases focus and sustainable energy without a crash
  • Uplifts mood and vitality
  • Improves circulation, digestion, and toxin elimination

Rich in minerals and vitamis:

  • calcium
  • magnesium
  • iron
  • copper
  • pottasium
  • zinc
  • vitamin C
  • vitamin D
  • vitamin B complex
  • omega- 3 fatty acids and amino acids.

Mayan Heritage
support small business

Historically, the Mayans considered Cacao as a sacred elixir - they called it "food of the gods" , which the word "theobroma" (a Latin term for chocolate) literally means. They believed Cacao was a gift from their gods and cacao was part of their creation story. Ancient Mayans consumed Cacao beverages widely throughout all classes of their society. They used cacao for celebrations, religious ceremonies, and finalizing important transactions.

After exploring several collaborative options in Guatemala, I chose to work with a small Mayan family run by an amazing woman, Isabel.

Isabel and her team roast Cacao beans and peel them by hand, energetically weaving the Mayan tradition into the final product.

Unlike larger production companies, Isabel and her team preserve a personable approach to working with this beautiful and healing plant. You can feel this caring energy through both Cacao's flavor and its heart-opening properties.

By using "SOUL & SPIRIT" Cacao, you also contribute to the well-being of this family.

best artisanal Cacao in NYC

The name "SOUL & SPIRIT" was born in an effort to elicit the divine energy and heart-opening capabilities of Cacao. In the logo design, I wanted to combine the idea of Divinity at large with human's divine nature. I also wanted the logo to be universal and appeal to people of any spiritual background. I used divine symbols from different cultures, including an ancient Egyptian symbol "Eye or Horus" and a beloved US classic rock song 'Knocking on Heaven's Door'. It doesn't matter what spiritual path we take, as long as we come to the same place of Oneness :)

"SOUL & SPIRIT" includes two different types of Cacao: "Soul" and "Spirit". Both types are made of organic Criollo beans and differ in the way they are roasted: "Soul" is roasted in the fresh air and sunlight, whereas "Spirit" - in the wood fire. This makes the flavor and affect slightly different.

I like to describe "Soul" as more feminine and "Spirit" - more masculine. They both are poweful but in a different way. "Soul" is more "introvertial", sensual, sensitive, vulnerable, soft and floral. It goes amazingly with an inner-reflective session, meditation, sensual dance, sound bath, self-care routine, emotional healing session. "Spirit" is more "outgoing", potent, activating, energizing, fiery and smoky. It goes amazingly with an ecstatic dance, creative session, gong meditation, somatic practice, social gatherings.

I love both types of Cacao and recommend you to try them both and feel into which one you click with the most. The relationship with Cacao is a special one, and I invite you to build your own. And be open to magic!

Cacao comes in blocks of 1 lb each.

1lb: $60

2 lb: $110

U.S. shipping: $10

Self - Development and Transformation

If you feel stuck, apathetic, unfulfilled, dissatisfied with your life, lost, confused or disconnected from your internal landscape or external world - it is time to shake it up, darling!

By combining multiple coaching and psychological modalities as well as various breathwork, tantric techniques and my unconditional presence, I will support you on your transformational journey towards your inner freedom, authentic expression and fulfillment.

Private Coaching:
Unleash Your Authenticity

I am a certified Transformational Coach with the focus on transforming your limiting beliefs into new empowering truths.

I help clients to uncover and heal trauma-infused self-perceptions and rewire your nervous systems for the new, empowering future.

My biggest joy and purpose in life is to empower humans to discover and fall in love with their authenticity and to live their most truthful and fulfilling lives.

In our sessions, I use multiple techniques such as Shadow Work, Somatic Experiencing, Internal Focusing, Authentic Relating, Energetic Alignment, Existential and Transcedental Psychology, DBT and other therapeutic and coaching tools I have found useful in my own practice.

1 session (2 hours): $175

3 sessions: $499

10 sessions: $1,499

Tantra Work:
Embrace Your Womanhood

A 1x1 work with women who embarked on a self-discovery, healing and transformational journey and need guidance on the way.

Whether you are a beginner or have been on a transformational journey for some time, I will meet you where you are at and offer personable, grounded and tangible support so that you feel safe and held on this brave adventure.

During my sessions, I offer a strong theoretical foundation as well as a lot of practical tools and wisdom from different tantric schools and teachings.

I have been through challenging times myself, have fallen and risen out of a rabbit hole of healing, and I know how it feels to do the inner-work. I am here to offer you all my wisdom, love, passion and support. We are in this together.


1 session (2 hours): $175

3 sessions: $499

10 sessions: $1,499

Expand Your Awareness

A private or a small group breathwork session to release stuck emotions and uncover subconscious blocks which limit your wellbeing, both physically and emotionally.

I use a variety of breathing techniques to first activate your sympathetic nervous system and guide you through a powerful trance journey. This is where release of stuck energy happens. Then we activate your parasympathetic nervous system and soothe your body, which allows for integration and completion of the experience.

Breathwork is a powerful practice to integrate mental insights and emotional releases in your body.


2-hr session: $175

3 sessions: $499

  • I had two private sessions with Sasha when I felt stuck in life and disconnected from my joy. Wow, Sasha's Cacao is something out of this world! I had a massive release after our first session and got in touch with the parts of myself I had been neglecting. I slept like a baby afterwards. I also had a breathwork session with Sasha, and it brought me tremendous joy and relaxation. I felt connected to my body, which is something I want to work on more moving forward. Sasha's presence is very strong yet soft.

    I feel safe with her, I know she will be there for me, no matter what. I feel that I finally can just be with all my stuff in front of another human and I that I won't be judged. It is such a relief!

    Marina T.
    QA Engineer
  • I had a Human Design reading with Sasha to better understand my purpose in life. Sasha is so knowledgeable, it's incredible. Not only did she give me valuable information about my inner strengths but also some strategies for how to better interact with others to deliver my message in life. The session was very insightful and helpful. What I liked about working with Sasha is her ability to combine different pieces of information and deliver it in a clear, tangible way. I had Human Design readings with other people as well, but the experience with Sasha's felt more generous and complete. Also, her energy is very uplifting and empowering. I needed that!

    Yana G.
    Women's Retreat Facilitator
  • I had an opportunity to work with Sasha on two occasions here in Costa Rica. First, she led a Cacao Ceremony on the Mother's Day at our school. It was fabulous! Sasha is very professional, she carries herself gracefully and welcoming. Both parents and young kids were engaged in Sasha's ceremony and learned a lot about Cacao. It was a beautiful event, full-hearted, and Sasha played an important role in creating that experience.

    Sasha also opened our New Year's celebration with her Cacao Ceremony for over 50 people. It was incredible. Sasha's energy is very potent, sensual, joyous and uplifting. I saw a different side of Sasha that night: more fun, kinky, playful and light. It was a real pleasure to collaborate with her. I am confident that I can invite her to any occasion and she will find a way to create an unforgettable experience for the participants. Also, her cacao is delicious :)

    Alys R.
    Founder of Life Project Education
  • I wanted to have a special celebration for my 30th birthday, so my partner asked Sasha to host a Cacao Ceremony for me and my guests. It was one of the best birthdays I've ever had, definitely the most unique. I invited about 20 friends over and after the ceremony I felt that I got to know them a little better. Sasha led us through a shamanic journey to connect to our true desires and facilitated deep sharing among friends, something that I wish I had done earlier. It was pretty profound to be with my friends in that space together. Sasha's energy is off the chart. She is very giving and generous with her knowledge, yet she is super fun and easy to be around.

    I highly recommend working with Sasha, whether for yourself or with your friends and family. Being in her presence somehow feels enriching and fulfilling.

    Maria D.
    Creative Director

Sasha Sakhar aka "Sugar"

Originally from a small town in Eastern Europe, I have always had a drive for exploring a bigger world and pushing the edges. I moved to the U.S. in 2010 to pursue a Master's degree at The New School in New York. I then built a successful career in advertising technology. But I sensed that I was destined for a more adventurous, courageous and unconventional life. So in 2018, after paying off my school loans and feeling fed up with the corporate job, I finally packed my life in New York and ventured out on a big transformational journey to Central America. For several years, I immersed myself in self-inquiry, healing and deep personal transformation. I lived in wild nature and in several spirituality-focused conscious communities while studying various transformational teachings, somatic and tantric practices, coaching and therapeutic modalities from masters and coaches in Guatemala, Costa-Rica, Peru, Israel, Russia and Belarus.

Since then, embodying womanhood in an unconventional way, I have found my calling in guiding others as a Transformational Coach on their journey to self-empowerment, liberation from limiting beliefs and socially imposed programs. I have helped many people (women, specifically) to tap into their authenticity, vitality and life force, as well as to connect with their bodies and discover their unique gifts. I have worked with many individuals and groups, offering cacao ceremonies & sharing circles for emotional fulfillment, tantric temples for sexual healing, authentic relating gatherings for conscious communication. I also facilitate plant medicine journeys for the individuals and groups who are called to explore expansive states of consciousness and deepen their connection with Nature.

In anything I offer, I create beautiful and welcoming spaces for humans to experience transformation through deeper connection with life. One of the biggest lessons I learned on my spiritual journey was that:

"Spirituality is not about your enlightenment level,

it is about your authentic relationship with yourself, others and life, in general."

Expansion as a human being, as a woman, as a global citizen, has been my inner drive for transformation. I will always continue to explore, teach, share and have fun along the way. We are in this together, and I dedicate my life to creating the world we all dream of, as a humanity - free, loving, abundant and fun.
I look forward to connecting with you!!
To stay in touch, order Ceremonial Cacao, learn more about Human Design, inquire about group and private sessions, as well as to discuss collaborative opportunities, please submit your info below

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